LS-Clinic в Almaty




🕗 время открытия

27/5, Bukhar-Zhyrau Boulevard, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 337 5830
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2339842, Longitude: 76.9232167

Комментарии 5

  • Михрибан Тельман

    Михрибан Тельман


    I decided to take tests at the Ls clinics for Bukhar Zhyrau, as it is close to my home. I regretted 100 times. Just irresponsible nurses. I retaken the tests several times, since they were either lost or forgot to enter some tests. On the test results, the wrong year of birth was prescribed, and I also had to wait for the redone documents. I would close my eyes to everything if it were not urgent. I warned you several times. It is clear that no more foot.

  • Елена Васильева

    Елена Васильева


    The skin of the teenager’s daughter in the area of ​​the cheeks and nose turned red, and then purulent rashes appeared. She took the child to a dermatologist, the doctor diagnosed with rosacea. Complex treatment was prescribed - applying special ointments directly to the foci and drug therapy. After the course, the facial skin cleansed and acquired a healthy color. Thank you for the expert help.

  • Евгения Любова

    Евгения Любова


    I went to this clinic for a month for a massage. The result is excellent. I managed to get rid of the pain after the first two massage sessions. Well, the rest of the time everything was done purely for preventive purposes. But now the beauty. I can sit all day in the workplace and not complain about my back at the end of the shift. So my review about the clinic is only positive

  • Юлия Нурина

    Юлия Нурина


    I turned to the pediatrician Larisa Viktorovna when the child had a fever, and then a runny nose appeared. I really liked the doctor. Kind, attentive, examined the child and listened to the lungs. Prescribed antiviral and antipyretic. After six, we went for a second appointment, my health was already good. This clinic has a good attitude to patients, there are no long lines

  • Галина Горбачева

    Галина Горбачева


    I want to thank Musina D.S. for the quality examination and professional appointment of the LS-Clinic doctor Our pediatrician gave us a bilateral hip dislocation. At the same time, the baby did not feel any discomfort and behaved calmly. Here the doctor refuted the suspicion of the pediatrician. Asymmetrical folds on the legs can be, this is considered normal. There are no clicks when raising the legs to the sides and the chassis is good.

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