Клиника Persona в Almaty

КазахстанКлиника Persona



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32A, Utepov Street, 050060, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 382 7777
Веб-сайт: persona-clinic.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2181437, Longitude: 76.8981731

Комментарии 5

  • Эльмира Горбонос

    Эльмира Горбонос


    I really liked how they serve and receive. They are polite to customers and explain everything in an accessible way. I would like to thank the fertility specialist Anastasia Nikolaevna Rybina and the andrologist Yury Vasilyevich Lavrov. Anastasia Nikolaevna began to introduce me from the very beginning and was with me until the end (even when I completed the full course) of the birth of children. I am not a resident of Almaty! And was registered in another city. Anastasia Nikolaevna gave me her contact and told me what to do if I had questions, and never once had a rude answer! Yuri Vasilyevich immediately saw the reason for our infertility with my husband and immediately prescribed treatment. Prior to that, we went to Nursultan - "Ecolife" 3 times and constantly talked about infection and we were treated for 7 months, until we turned to Lavrov. I advise everyone who has lost faith in becoming parents to contact this clinic. P.s. My pregnancy ended with the birth of my angels: 👶🏻👧🏻. I wish you all good luck !!! 🍀

  • Yod Burieva

    Yod Burieva


    I do not recommend it in any way. So much money, time and nerves were spent and the result is zero. We did IVF. Very rude nurses. And the money was not returned for freezing eggs. How low.

  • Dariga Shagiy

    Dariga Shagiy


    To be honest, I did not expect such an attitude from this clinic. Just a boorish attitude at a time when you need support! I was observed in this clinic by Sholpan Kenemovna, for all the time I did not receive a single adequate answer. Only warped questions. Also from the staff, while Sholpan Kenesovna is busy, her girls should answer, but in two days, as I wrote, on the first day they answered, but did not answer my questions, did not give an explanation, did not advise me to do anything. And there was still confusion among everyone, one said one thing, the other said another. And this is support? Help? On the second day, I got a reply five hours later! And then Sholpan Kenesovna herself. It turns out that a person must simply bleed and flow, die in order to be noticed. Conversations with Sholpan Kenesovna are one-sided conversations, if you don't know anything, you don't know what blood secretion can start after the transplant, and before the transplant, it's impossible to ask anything, it's just Hell! I am very sorry that I applied there! And I do not advise anyone!

  • Xenia Veyron

    Xenia Veyron


    It is not possible to get through, an online chat bot sends a call, there is no call back, it is painless to call the clinic

  • Акылбек Жуманов

    Акылбек Жуманов


    The clinic is of a fairly high level, you go through everything quickly, the test results come out quickly, the system of work is well established. But besides that there is a big BUT, terrible work regarding receiving calls and feedback in case of an online appeal, it is almost impossible to get through phones, they simply do not take, the management take this fact into account !!!

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