Tsentral'naya Gorodskaya Klinicheskaya Bol'nitsa G.almaty в Almaty

КазахстанTsentral'naya Gorodskaya Klinicheskaya Bol'nitsa G.almaty



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6, Zhandosov Street, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 74 82 61
Веб-сайт: almaty-cgkb.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2358186, Longitude: 76.9112626

Комментарии 5

  • Alua Kushenova

    Alua Kushenova


    12 city hospital I want to thank. An emergency came, in an hour they took an analysis from me and put on ophthalmology and you are good ophthalmologists. An MRI scan was done 2 days later. Diagnosed and transferred to a stroke. I would like to say a separate thank you to Aziz Karipovich. A good specialist, a doctor with a soul, does everything he can. He comes every day and asks how you are doing. The stroke department has very good specialists. Thank you so much !!! ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️

  • Полат Ахмадов

    Полат Ахмадов


    Hello! On behalf of my sister, I would like to express my enormous gratitude to PRMAGAMBETOV GALYMZHAN KAYYRKHANOVICH, deep respect to resuscitators, attending physicians, rehabilitation therapists, nurses and all the medical staff of this wonderful hospital! My own and only sister was admitted to the hospital in an extremely serious condition, unable to move, breathe and take care of herself. Dear doctors, caring nurses and brothers, attentive nurses, cooks: on behalf of the whole family, I bow my head to you. In particular, we express our gratitude to the excellent resuscitator and head of the first resuscitation department: PRMAGAMBETOV GALYMZHAN KAYYRKHANOVICH, who tirelessly, without a single day of rest, stands on the front line, not allowing the virus to take our relatives away from us forever, literally pulling them out of the zone of no return. The insidiousness of the disease proceeded in a series of colossal complications, and only Incredible professionalism, well-coordinated tactics of the actions of this OUTSTANDING MAN AND DOCTOR, brought my sister out of the intensive care unit, in which she spent more than two weeks. GALYMZHAN KAYYRKHANOVICH, we are in an inordinate debt to you. Thanks! Thank you from our entire family, from Karina's children, from relatives and friends. You are our hero. Thanks to the head of ORIT 10, NURLAN TURSYNALIEVICH KEMELKHANOV. The professional actions of this doctor put my sister on her feet as soon as possible, teaching her to breathe again. Words are not enough to convey our respect to you. After spending over a month in the hospital, my sister returned home. Parents met their daughter, I - my beloved sister, and children - their mother. ALL OF YOU, OUR SAVIORS, THE BOLD AND THE BOLD, ALL THE STAFF OF THIS WONDERFUL HOSPITAL - THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THANK YOU! THANKS FOR RECOVERING ANOTHER LIFE AND RELEASING THE SOUL FROM THE CHAINING PAWS OF THIS VIRUS VIRUS. With respect and deep gratitude to all staff

  • Майра Саурбаева

    Майра Саурбаева


    Today, in the fight against the Covid virus, the Central Hospital is staffed by people in white coats - doctors who, despite the difficulties, provide a very high level of medical care to patients. I sought medical help when 65% of my lungs were gone. Thank God, thanks to the unity of the people in white coats at the first reception, the time spent on the examination passed quickly. Without any resentment, he took you to the department, telling you that everything will be fine. Thank you. What a wonderful charity! Even if they wear wind and airtight equipment, they do not get cold. He caught my attention again, placed me in the ward, gave me a quick breath of oxygen, brought the necessary drugs to the system, and started treatment. I was very happy that the doctor Galiya Gabitovna Beisembayeva took care of me like she was born, cheered me up and said that everything would be fine. Soon I realized that it would be wrong for me to stay home for days without going to the hospital. Thanks to my honest attitude to this disease, I am being treated today. Many thanks to all the staff of the 5th department of this hospital. The ward is clean, the nurses are clean every hour. No matter what the disease, it does not catch the eye of the patient. What patience! What a love for their work! Everyone is kind. He does not know what it means to be angry with those who shout and disturb him. Thank you for this work! A sick person has no appetite. And in this department chefs prepare delicious food. The food is tasty and attractive. Meat dishes. What is the food served for 3 seasons? Not to mention, apple juice, apple every day. The compote is delicious and gives yogurt every day. No need to bring food from home. There is always clean water in the dispenser, boiling water in the thermocouple, and a microwave. What more could you want? What a wonderful change! CARE in the treatment of diseases! And what a caring people who distribute this food! How wonderful it is to put each patient on a plate and wish him good health! God bless you, employees of the 5th department. Every hour I look at the cleanliness and thank the paramedics who carried the ship. Needless to say, THANK YOU everyone! What a healing hand of a special masseur named Alisher! Drainage will be relieved after the massage! Thank you! To the team headed by the head of the fifth department Zhanseitova Gulmira Pernekhanovna I am very grateful to you for your professionalism and kindness! May God give health and HAPPINESS to your heads and souls! Thank you for your work!

  • Nurgul



    I don't like the service at this hospital I called to ask their address and how to see a doctor They are very bad-tempered Scold me I called them 36 times Don't answer the phone 。

  • Olzhas Tolubayev

    Olzhas Tolubayev


    Medical services should not be managed by the government and should not be free.

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