Almaty Center of psychological health в Almaty

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанAlmaty Center of psychological health



🕗 время открытия

117, Kablukov Street, 050060, Almaty, город Алматы, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 376 5595
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2129106, Longitude: 76.8876343

Комментарии 5

  • Михаил Самаев

    Михаил Самаев


    Once I came to take a certificate for employment, before him at the TD, and was shocked by the young man, there the doctors themselves needed a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and in general full social rehabilitation, when they sent me to a medical examination for help, it seemed that he was talking with a patient this institution and not with doctors !! 🤦

  • Гоша Котэ

    Гоша Котэ


    There, only to communicate with workers and to hang out cool, and so excuse the system, this is not for me, I did not get up there, it was for drinks with Kents brought when the narcology was full of drunkards. So I would have bought the building for a hut in order to stand out against the background of the owners of the largest houses in the city, paste over it with polystyrene pseudo Gothic and live like arrestocrats from Europe)))))

  • Арман Джаксыгулов

    Арман Джаксыгулов


    Thank you very much! I am 63 years old, I fell ill with COVID-19 in a mild form, but complications went to the pancreas, I could not eat normally. From April 9 to April 22, she was treated in a provisional center, an infectious diseases department. I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Temirlan, the hostess sister Gulmira, the nurse Elaman, the nurse Irina, the head of the kitchen Olga Viktorovna, the orderly Alexander - for their PROFESSIONALISM and HEROISM! Day and night walking walled up in white spacesuits, but at the same time doing your duty! The chefs cook very tasty and high-calorie. Doctors came every hour and measured blood pressure, temperature, saturation. The orderlies washed and cleaned the wards at least 5 times a day. Yours faithfully and best wishes, Bayseitova B.G., room No. 13. Thank you for curing and getting you back on your feet, for such a warm, cozy atmosphere!

  • Alex Rassydihin

    Alex Rassydihin


    The people are great. Soulful. Lovely. Kind. The very thing is to relax like in a sanatorium!

  • E Грозмани

    E Грозмани


    I liked everything very much. Opening of locks of any complexity and of all types. Opening of safes in Almaty. +77772799030

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