Mediker в Almaty




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Navoi Street, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 59 73 95
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2001198, Longitude: 76.8869715

Комментарии 5

  • maniklap



    very fig medicine ... I came, then I was in an almost dead state, and waited for my turn. I waited, then this one came in, and there doctors talk about the door handle and they say wait. Yeah, I'll wait, it's okay, because the doorknob is more important than the patients🤘🏻

  • Yer S

    Yer S


    I made a phone call to the dressing account after the injury. At the reception they said come, dressing will cost 1000 tenge. I drove through half of the city, stood in line for 40 minutes, I went into the office, the doctor told me - the appointment costs 6 thousand. I only tell me to do the dressing, they said over the phone that it was 1000 tenge. And the doctor tells me this is another examination of the surgeon 6000. Total 7000 with dressing. I said I didn’t need a surgeon’s examination, but only a dressing, and why on the phone then they said that it was 1000 tenge. The most ingenious thing was that this herurg began to bargain. Like, let's just come and make a small discount. In short, shameless staff, that the reception, that the doctors. Go around

  • Александр Белов

    Александр Белов


    We are attached to the Medicare Alatau clinic in Navoi. We turned to the pediatrician Pazylbekov Zh.A. I can't say anything good about her as a specialist, she is disgusting and terrible. He cannot make the correct diagnosis, prescribes a terrible treatment that almost killed the child. The child's height and weight are not measured correctly. Prescribes to drink vitamin D without analysis in large quantities that the child may be intoxication. Appointed Ambrobene to a 2-month-old child from which the child began to develop neurological disorders. We went to a paid doctor, as a result, our diagnosis of ARVI was corrected and the correct diagnosis was made and the correct treatment prescribed.

  • Indira ab

    Indira ab


    Good day everyone! I will say this, I am attached to the CSHI, I wait for my turn to narrow specialists for up to weeks, all referrals to them are given by a therapist in my area, who, when examined, may not listen in places, which is even worse, all the doctors themselves and the honey fly into the office. the staff, in spite of the fact that I seem to be sitting at the reception and waiting for the doctor to have enough talk with them, but the nurse sitting next to the therapist is always unhappy 🤷🏻‍♀️ or is completely distracted by her thoughts, and by the way, at paid appointments other doctors did not have this!)

  • Дамиля Омарова

    Дамиля Омарова


    I want to express my gratitude to my doctor Ibraimova Gaukhar Nurkaliyeva, a doctor from God. She treats her work very carefully and responsibly. And the medical center is very good. All conditions are there. All services are provided free of charge. Made a call to the doctor came immediately. They even gave me medications. All on time and quickly, they provided medical assistance. The analyzes are done. And the treatment was prescribed correctly.

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