Health City Диагностическая клиника, Процедурный 24/7, МРТ, КТ в Almaty

КазахстанHealth City Диагностическая клиника, Процедурный 24/7, МРТ, КТ



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
8, Musabaev Street, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 331 3331
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1961603, Longitude: 76.8681551

Комментарии 5

  • Назия Жанпеисова

    Назия Жанпеисова


    Great center. The service is top notch. Qualified doctors. Reasonable, in comparison with other centers, prices. An unfortunate minus - not very trained staff at the reception: due to inaccurate information, I had to get nervous a lot before the procedure.

  • Надежда Поветкина

    Надежда Поветкина


    I liked the urologist Evgenia Popenko. The doctor is competent, no unnecessary appointments. I am 26 weeks pregnant and prescribed a competent and gentle treatment for urinary tract infections. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • Александр Первый

    Александр Первый


    In the clinic we are examined and treated for a long time, because we trust professional doctors and modern equipment. Today I came with my mother for a CT scan of the abdominal organs. We were greeted warmly. Many thanks to the doctor. All success and good luck.

  • Vsevolod V. KIM

    Vsevolod V. KIM


    Best MRI place in Almaty.

  • Leila KOKKOZ

    Leila KOKKOZ


    The contact center operator made an appointment ~ 15-17.11.21. To the request “Hello! Can you check if mammography is included in my insurance? ”, The operator immediately replied in the affirmative. Without specifying the name of the caller, the name of the company, the type of insurance, and without taking a second of pause to check the requested information. Then the operator signed me up, but, as it turned out on the day of the appointment, not for mammography, but for X-ray / tomography. On the day of the appointment (11/25/21), the doctor-coordinator for corp clients (did not say hello, did not introduce herself, without a badge), after much clarification, the coordinator found out that mammography and tomography are different procedures according to their documents and the first of them is not included in insurance that I signed up for a mammogram, and that I did not mix anything up. She does not know the prices for services and sent me to ASK THE COST of mammography to another receptionist, although she was free at the next table and she could ask herself, but no, the client had to change. After I ASKED (mammography turned out to be 11 thousand tenge), I returned to my coordinator, and she asked for a check. I said that you sent me to ASK, not PAY ... After that I asked to sign me up to SEVERAL SPECIALISTS IN ONE DAY. The coordinator, instead of asking the patient about the dates convenient for him, when considering the options for making an appointment with each doctor, each time said that tomorrow you will not be able to get to such a specialist, at such an hour you will not be able to get to another specialist, etc. NS. Every time I asked for options WHEN I CAN, "don't waste time on reporting that I can't" ... In the process of serving me, the coordinator several times postponed my question and served, then other patients, then the nurse in the treatment room. P.S. If, upon the initial call, I would have been correctly informed that mammography is not included in the cost of insurance, I would have used the free opportunity at the clinic at the place of registration a couple of blocks from my home and would not have traveled across the city to Health City.

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