Gippokrat в Kostanay

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи







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151, Ul.1 Maya, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2229141, Longitude: 63.6325896

Комментарии 5

  • Евгений Долгополов

    Евгений Долгополов


    Today I was at the operation for the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture, I want to express special gratitude to the traumatologist-orthopedist Dmitry Sergeevich Malyukov, as well as to the medical staff, the service is top-notch, high-quality and modern.

  • Мари Свабода

    Мари Свабода


    Excellent clinic. Competent doctors and always polite medical staff

  • ксения омельченко

    ксения омельченко


    I tried to keep silent, but it's so insulting that I can't. In short, don't go here to remove moles with liquid nitrogen. In general, why I came is already clear. Pre-called the reception, asked for prices, signed up for a convenient time. As a result, I waited 40 minutes for the doctor to finish with the patient in the office, you could hear how they literally build a route and explain where to buy medicines. I waited patiently and hoped that I would receive the same service) I go in, I say what I want, and they answer me that there is no liquid nitrogen, they will bring it next week, and in the registry they were actually warned about this, come back another time. I ask what I paid for then (I mean the admission), in general, we decided to at least count the extra moles and find out the cost of removal. Some kind of detailed examination and questions about growing, disturbing for some reason were missed)) They counted 4 moles - 18,000. (According to a conversation with the registry, I thought it would be cheaper, because the largest was 5mm in diameter, but whose nitrogen sets the prices. Besides, the doctor knows better) Next week I come to the procedure with a check, the doctor looks at the check and says: "Yeah, 18,000 - 3 moles, it turns out." I am surprised to ask, how is it that they counted 4? As a result, the doctor double-checks on the calculator, indeed, 4 turned out to be))) The removal process involves applying a cotton swab soaked in liquid nitrogen to the cherished birthmark for 3 days in a row. It seems as easy as shelling pears. On the second day, according to the sensations and comparison of different moles, I commented that one of them looks very lively and does not seem to be going to fall off (by the way, not the largest). I was assured that everything would dry up and disappear on the 5th day after the end of the 3-day course. Well, okay, the doctor knows better. In general, 2 weeks have passed, 3 moles have dried up, and one has remained quite alive. According to the plan, you need to come for a second examination, but there is absolutely no desire to pay for an appointment, where they do not even remember what happened, and, probably, they will advise you to pay again for a second removal. Fortunately, I do not know anything about other dermatological problems, but in terms of moles, this approach is so-so.

  • Елена Костюкова

    Елена Костюкова


    The clinic is very good. The medical staff is very polite. Neuropathologist, Shkandevich Anna Adamovna, a professional in her field. She helped a lot! Thanks a lot!!!

  • Людмила Шульга

    Людмила Шульга


    good doctors, I liked it.

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