Kostanay Regional Hospital в Kostanay

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанKostanay Regional Hospital



🕗 время открытия

Ulitsa Pobedy, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 54 28 48
Веб-сайт: oblmed.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2238454, Longitude: 63.6296496

Комментарии 5

  • Раиса Попова

    Раиса Попова


    Good day! Despite the pandemic, lockdown doctors continue to provide invaluable assistance. In September, I had to urgently go to the maxillofacial department with a complaint of acute pain. Thanks to the high professional skills of Zh.B. Baybulova, the operation was successfully performed under general anesthesia. I congratulate Zhanna Bulatovna Baybulova and the entire staff of this department on the upcoming holiday of our country's Independence Day. I wish you all health, success in work and Masters and the young generation.

  • Лия Заремба

    Лия Заремба


    The hospital has a full shed. Head of the Department of Surgery Khamit. Doesn't speak nicely with patients at all. The horror is complete. The women who were lying there said that he asks for gratitude for his services.

  • Валентина Колот

    Валентина Колот


    I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the staff of the urological department. The doctors are literate. Service staff are polite, hardworking. The nurses are attentive. Conditions of detention are excellent: clean, comfortable, warm! Special thanks for the food: the menu is thoughtful, balanced, made from quality products! I would like to wish all employees health and recovering patients! Well-being to you and your families! Best regards, Kolot Valentina Ivanovna

  • Александр Тымченко

    Александр Тымченко


    I would like to thank all the Medical staff of the Stroke Department for the high-quality and well-coordinated work. For all the days that I spent here, I liked everything very much, warm, comfortable and cozy. I would like to thank the nurses: Irina Valentinovna, Aizhan Muslimovna, Svetlana Sapashevna, Aigul Tastanbaevna; medical nurse-anesthesiologist Larisa Abdulakhatovna from the Intensive Care Unit and the entire staff in general. You are great !!! I would also like to say Thank you to your chefs, Irina Dmitrievna and Anzhela Anatolyevna for very tasty and varied dishes. And, I also express my deep gratitude to the head of the department Amina Kakimbekovna and my attending physician Batyrzhan Kakimzhanovich! Thank you all !!! Good luck and Prosperity !!!!!

  • Лана Терехова

    Лана Терехова


    Regional hospital entrance from Amangeldy street. At the entrance, hands are treated and the temperature is measured. Large bright hall. Everyone is polite. But it's better not to get there. All health)

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