Kostanayskiy Perinatal'nyy Tsentr в Kostanay

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КазахстанKostanayskiy Perinatal'nyy Tsentr


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120, Shaysultana Shayakhmetova Street, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 74 90 99
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Latitude: 53.2249099, Longitude: 63.6283569

Комментарии 5

  • Жулдызай Джантурина

    Жулдызай Джантурина


    Since 11/26/19, exactly a year has not been a day that I do not remember the magnificent doctor-gynecologist-surgeon Bazhan Valentina Ivanovna! And there was not a day that I did not pray to the Almighty for her well-being and good health! A wonderful person, a good psychologist. "" YOUR LIFE MUST BE SAVED! "" - then the doctor told me. And thanks to her, I live well in every sense of the word. To be honest, I just didn't want to live before the operation. It turned out to be worth living. One appearance of Valentina Ivanovna in the ward is like a psychological session for me. After her, my heart always whispered, "All my life I will be grateful to this woman" I am very glad that I fell into her hands. I did not have bad thoughts about the consequences, only rhymes sounded in my thoughts: "" ABOUT THE BEST DOCTORS OF THE BEST "" Different situations in life, Where you can decide everything yourself, But, being in intensive care, The question is "sick" - How to live further ?! Anesthesia, pain and reason, Struggling, want to stay in you ... My "doctor from God!" and I never dared to doubt it. Proffesor calculated everything And the work of science has proved That we did not know. My doctor, of course, knew everything. You lie down realizing that everything is fraught, Violated and the balance of life. My Strict doctor entered the ward. Here is a psychological session !!! Having done his job perfectly He keeps me on the pulse. The pain lets go of my body And I am calm, I am alive! The answer to a thousand questions, That tortured me in advance, In the eyes of the doctor, I somehow simply, I read with bated breath. I would have entrusted him, probably, Secrets everything, like my life And "frank about the innermost", Which did not reveal to anyone. Trusting his hands, I am sure that I am saved. My "Dear Doctor" is a "" Doctor from God! "And I seem to be in love. There are no questions, just gratitude, What is it unnecessary to talk about ?! And my heart whispers with joy: "" Doctor, how can I thank you ?? You are "THE BEST DOCTOR OF THE BEST", Such people should be appreciated !!! Ready to kiss your hands As long as I live !!!!

  • Татьяна Стушкина

    Татьяна Стушкина


    In the department of pathology pregnant attitude boorish. Sharipova Madina Beisenbaeva raises the voice of Hamit. For the day of two brought to tears

  • Екатерина Лавроненко

    Екатерина Лавроненко


    The best Perinatal Center! Many thanks to all the doctors. Obstetrician Lena from the 2nd floor. The birth was on April 18th. My daughter was born a little 2,500kg. My Dasha was already 8 months. Special thanks to the doctor neonatologist Sharipova Maria Konusbaevna for her professionalism and attitude to the children. All of you Happy New Year! Thanks to you, I have a beautiful baby who is smart and smart and healthy. Thanks also to all the nurses for the arrester.

  • Игорь Бойко

    Игорь Бойко


    Former city maternity hospital. There is a maternity ward. Gynecological and pathology of pregnancy department. Affiliate giving birth in individual gender halls. Double rooms with a bathroom. Purely. Everything you need for a comfortable stay. Professional doctors. Joint stay of mother and child. Adult and pediatric resuscitation. Even the weakest and smallest babies nursed.

  • Zamira Tutor B

    Zamira Tutor B


    Great service. I really liked it!

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