Koktem-3 в Kostanay

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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ул.Летунова 79, Kostanay 110000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 54 84 45
Веб-сайт: koktem-3.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2205177, Longitude: 63.6233101

Комментарии 5

  • Андрей Белан

    Андрей Белан


    When will there be normal medical clinics in Kostanay! People already in paid centers cannot get proper medical care! There is no time to get through to the reception. And if they take it, hang on the line. People leave a lot of money there and they cannot put an additional operator on the phone. At the cash register, a separate conversation is given out change and 9 thousand were not given, she says she was mistaken in the bill. Nearby a woman says that she was also communicated. The cashier is on the phone all the time! There is a queue to see a doctor. Even though it's all in time for the coupon. All the same, a mess doctors stay after lunch at their workplace. From there, the confusion in time begins. And this is all a paid clinic.!

  • Renat Nauruzov

    Renat Nauruzov


    The worst clinic, the words of the staff at the reception differ from reality, called the reception in advance, they answered that the doctor accepts on a first-come, first-served basis, when visiting, they said that he accepts only by appointment, I recommend this clinic if you want to waste your time.

  • Алишер Искаков

    Алишер Искаков


    The worst clinic in town! The appointment was at 11 30 to the therapist, they came on time, to which the therapist aggressively sent to wait at the end of the queue!?!?! To my question, why then make an appointment on time? Why am I postponing all my affairs and going to the appointed time? I received no answer. Wasted half a day

  • Александра Шамарина

    Александра Шамарина


    Good dentistry in Kostanay

  • Ируся Шаляпина

    Ируся Шаляпина


    I was here for a long time, but the service remained at the same Awful level. At 8:00 the cash desk refused to take a card, asked for cash, since supposedly I should always have cash. 10,000 The transfer was also refused. And as if they had problems with the terminal, after my refusal to use cash, the terminal magically started working. After payment, I was again told that the next time I had cash from the funds. Since they often have interruptions in the morning, I have to come up by 6 p.m. What is happening at all? The honey sister is rude, the receptionists are a separate conversation. And why is the cashier without a mask?

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