Asmed в Almaty




🕗 время открытия

260, Tole Bi Street, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 374 7161
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2499771, Longitude: 76.8805959

Комментарии 5

  • Бану Ахметова

    Бану Ахметова


    Awful clinic !!!! At the reception there are 2 very rude women who skip the line and let their acquaintances pass by themselves. We were sent there for an X-ray, after the X-ray we had to go to the doctor for a fee, as the child had severe pain, he was crying in pain, there was a long line, asked to let us in, but no one let us in, all people are so angry, seeing how bad we are, instead of at least somehow help, the women at the reception, stood arguing with me, and launched their own out of turn, in a word, chaos, where are the bosses looking ???? Paysites, state employees, adults and children are queuing up to the same lore ... you can settle it all

  • Tatyana Bogoyavleskaya

    Tatyana Bogoyavleskaya


    Received a referral to an endocrinologist from the Asmed_2 polyclinic. With the date 3.09 and without the time of reception - a live queue. From 8 to 13. We arrived at 10, at 11:30, after three people the turn came. The doctor suddenly remembered that the appointment was on time (from September 1). Two and a half hours of waiting in a narrow corridor, without ventilation and keeping a distance, gave the result: the doctor prescribed insulin injections when the sugar reading was 4.5-6.0 and said that you would not have anything good, but in general, read the Internet.

  • Камажай Есетова

    Камажай Есетова


    Bad service! I had to have an ultrasound of the heart at 11.20 with a coupon. Excludes live queue. The doctor scolded him, took a quick shot and released him in 5 minutes without answering the question. You have to pay for the entrance on time, there is a live queue, and then we have honey. Why do we pay for insurance? Organizational work is not set correctly. We hardly enter the polyclinic for a week with a prescription. And before we get to Asmed's appointment, we hear a fight from a doctor and a nurse. I doubt that the doctor took the right shot.




    Everything looks good here, fast operative doctors

  • Рысалды Ахметова

    Рысалды Ахметова


    I would like to thank the entire staff for their patience for their work and special. I want to express my blogging to the therapist Madina Murat kyzy and the chief doctor, thank you very much for the health you give people every day. Nowhere in my life have I met such doctors who love their work. Thank you for being there.

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