Khak в Almaty




🕗 время открытия

Tole Bi Street, 050062, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 27 36 36
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2449617, Longitude: 76.8558414

Комментарии 5

  • Дамира Нурмаханбетова

    Дамира Нурмаханбетова


    The worst thing is that no one picks up the phone, and even if they do, they point at each other. The girls who are registered are very smart

  • Tana Mart

    Tana Mart


    UPD: Today, September 21, I was contacted by the HAC medical center, apologized and promised to correct the behavior of the staff. Thank you for efficiency! The claim has been settled. The rudest girl at the reception. I ask you to record the fact that today, September 20, 2021, I called to make an appointment after attachment. The girl said that for some reason I was registered in Sunkar. Although their nurse just called and said that I could already make an appointment. I asked the name and surname of the girl at the reception, she very brazenly replied that she would not tell me her name, that she was not obliged)))) So keep in mind that in HAC no one is obliged to tell you their name if it is not profitable for them. To the question: why is she afraid to say the name, since she did nothing, she did not find what to answer. I ask you to check the call to the call center today at 17.21. Note to management, your staff is not obligated to customers. At the very least, you owe it to you that they spoil the organization's image so much.

  • Cosmanaft_ Kazakh

    Cosmanaft_ Kazakh


    Excellent specialists, attention to each visitor, good conditions, all the work of the team, thanks to such talented people as Kan Evgeny Valentinovich, Irina Alexandrovna and Marina Anatolyevna, we will recover, thank you very much

  • MaRk GaMe

    MaRk GaMe


    I am Fatima Tagiyeva and would like to thank the doctors of the gynecological department. Diana Estemesovna and the head of the department Alisa Almasbekovna. For the operation I performed. Thank you for your hard work, for your relationship with patients. I advise everyone to contact this hospital, and specifically to these doctors. May God grant you health.

  • Айшока Темиралиева

    Айшока Темиралиева


    What kind of chaos came from far away by appointment, and here there is a note on the door the doctor is ill! 3 section why don't you call in advance ???? It is necessary to warn in advance in the morning to make a phone call or connect another doctor in the neighborhood so that she can take

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