7 Gorodskaya Klinicheskaya Bol'nitsa в Almaty

Казахстан7 Gorodskaya Klinicheskaya Bol'nitsa



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78, улица Аспандиярова, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 28 07 77
Веб-сайт: gkb7.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.232267, Longitude: 76.7999357

Комментарии 5

  • Айна Муратова

    Айна Муратова


    I want to thank the polyclinic on behalf of my mother Ulbolsyn Chetobekova, doctors Omarova Anar Turarovna Kurbanova Bibigul Kaldybaevna, as well as the pharmacist Katir Turgymbaev, I also want to thank Ms. Terekty 8, Zhanna Zhanatovna, and nurse Anar. Thank you very much for your work. We wish you all great success.

  • пуся пуся

    пуся пуся


    The husband got into an accident, the doctors began to extort money (a certain amount) so that they would try and not make him disabled by performing the operation. They said so. These are the doctors of the 7th hospital, in the emergency room. Although I was admitted with an ambulance. I paid because I was afraid for the health of my husband and the quality of the operation. The leg was sewn up like a bag, and the catheter was also infected with infections of the genitourinary system. The scapula was also broken, but they said that it would grow together, in the end, the time was lost while they were looking for other doctors, half a year passed before they found Anatoly Nikolayevich Chuchulo from 4 mountains to the hospital, who performed the operation on the scapula, it was smashed to smithereens,

  • Афродита Богиня

    Афродита Богиня


    Thank you to Hospital 7, in particular Gynecology Department 2! I would like to wish all doctors, nurses and all staff health, success in their work, understanding, patience and respect for each other, because their job is not easy! May Allah grant them all earthly blessings, for a good attitude towards the sick! The hospital is clean, bed linen is clean, the attitude towards patients is good! I really liked the doctor Amina Tolebaevna - a good-hearted person, kind, understanding, literate!

  • Der M

    Der M


    We would like to express our gratitude to the department of NHO-4. In particular, Professor Ermek Kavtaevich, doctors Beknur Gaparovich, Alibek Kazbekovich! You have golden hands! May Allah grant you health and prosperity! Special thanks to all the staff: nurses Aigerim, Shynar, Ulbala to nurses

  • Любовь Мерзликина

    Любовь Мерзликина


    I put one star and then only because there is no negative assessment. Last night I had the imprudence to go to the emergency room with acute abdominal pain and a temperature of almost 39, but the doctor's conclusion shocked me, the body temperature was 36.5, the pressure was like an astronaut and soft, painless abdomen. I did not see either a thermometer or a tonometer even from afar. We decided to give pain relief, but during the 2 hours spent in the treatment room, all my veins were stuck out and I just ran away from them.

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