Городская клиническая больница no1 в Almaty

КазахстанГородская клиническая больница no1



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Калкаман2, Ауезов2, Almaty, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7272 70 87 34
Веб-сайт: pervaya.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2293528, Longitude: 76.8019753

Комментарии 5

  • Елена Казанцева

    Елена Казанцева


    I was in the pulmonary department on the fourth floor. The junior medical staff is very polite and friendly. Special thanks to the pulmonologist Diana Sultanovna. This is such a competent doctor, an excellent psychologist, thanks to the correct treatment, patients quickly come to recovery.

  • Елена Бабанова

    Елена Бабанова


    I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Duysen Botagoz Bakturkyzy for her high professionalism and attitude. Amazing, attentive, cordial. I was admitted with bilateral pneumonia, 70% of the lesion. The condition is extremely serious. Botagoz Bakturkyzy treated me with attention and sensitivity. Amazing knowledge, invaluable advice. Grateful patient: Babanov Nikolay Leonidovich Pilot of the 1st class, head of the department of the AGA RK, instructor of ICAO, in AB, the author of a training manual for higher and secondary educational institutions of Kazakhstan. Thank you!!!

  • Надежда эн

    Надежда эн


    Kiryasova N.B. I am sure that most of the patients will join my words. I express my immense gratitude to the KGB1 and it is the Head. Department of Pulmonology Zhanaev Almas Zhanabaevich and all his well-coordinated team, for returning my faith in our medicine and trust in people in white coats, for competently similar treatment, for attention, participation and sympathy. I want to note that they fed us the right food, I I would say even delicious and in sufficient quantity, no one left food behind or threw away, they ate everything. So, I express my gratitude to the ambulance team, which urgently hospitalized me on 03/15/21, the good fellows worked quickly and efficiently, even my own bags with things were brought to the car while still supporting me. Unfortunately, for many years I only bumped into soulless people in white coats who could not deliver the correct diagnostics, but at the same time prescribed me a treatment that ruined my health ... 4 The city hospital has a lot to do, starting with the cleanliness in the admission department and ending with how the medical personnel should behave in relation to the sick. the Ministry of Health, praised not only in words, but it would be great to reward everyone with prizes and allowances for their hard and selfless work !!!!

  • Leelasivamaruthi Katta

    Leelasivamaruthi Katta


    Nice hospital There is an cardiology,neurological,surgery departments There are lots of medical students In summer garden is very beautiful

  • Eeger Ray

    Eeger Ray


    I was born at this hospital and I dont understand why the gates they must have a very good security and responsible. When I was there I remember how trouble maker I was getting myself into trouble and crawling all over the hallways.

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