Kostanay Oblastnaya Detskaya Bol'nitsa в Қостанай

КазахстанKostanay Oblastnaya Detskaya Bol'nitsa



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Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
4, Bykovskiy St, 110000, Қостанай, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 51 51 50
Веб-сайт: kodb.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.1822516, Longitude: 63.6172431

Комментарии 5

  • Светлана Филатова

    Светлана Филатова


    Good day to all . I read the reviews and I am shocked by the anger of moms. The doctor did not come and have you ever thought that he is saving the life of another child at this time? I lay for a long time with my daughter, we had more than one operation and saw a lot, how surgeons operate for 6.8 hours and save a child's life, and there are many cases and children who fall from the fifth floors and after accidents. And doctors do not go home for two days to save the lives of little children, and even after the operation they go to the intensive care unit and monitor the well-being of the children, even when they go home they constantly call the hospital and ask about the condition of the children. I have seen a lot of doctors, but I have not seen such. I am very glad and grateful to all the surgeons who took part in saving the life of my daughter, especially Igor Vsevolodovich - this is a surgeon from God and a person with a capital letter. In the wards, I heard a lot of good reviews from mothers about their doctor Almira Kenzhigosaevna, Azat Zhakanovich, Anatoly Valerievich. They are all good surgeons, only each in his own direction. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR MY DAUGHTER.

  • Элена Коробко

    Элена Коробко


    good day! 4 days from the day of my son's operation, and I have never talked to the attending physician, the number that was given in the emergency room 87051480641 is the diagnostic department, it also does not answer the surgical department, it even happens to be simply disconnected, what is happening in this hospital?, There are not enough people, who can give parents information about the condition of children, about the course of their treatment ??? where to go?

  • Динара Маратовна

    Динара Маратовна


    Is there a pediatric neurosurgeon in this hospital? We are from another city

  • Валентина Фролова

    Валентина Фролова


    Yes, a very nervous honey sister at the FGDS thought the doctor would come normal, so he is not better. They do not indulge, they even didn’t ask, then they yelled that because of us they did not move what we called were recorded begged us to be accepted there was anything like that. And this is a children's hospital.

  • Семен Мартыненко

    Семен Мартыненко


    I would like to leave a review for the neurological department! I want to congratulate you on the holiday and express my deep gratitude to all doctors, nurses and junior service personnel of this department. I want to wish you health, prosperity and success in your hard work. There would be more workers like you! Thank you for your work ! Best regards, mother of Semyon Martynenko.

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