Poliklinika 4 G.temirtau в Temirtaw

КазахстанPoliklinika 4 G.temirtau



🕗 время открытия

31/1, Avenue of the Metallurgists, 101400, Temirtaw, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7213 44 78 72
Веб-сайт: pol4temirtau.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0409884, Longitude: 72.965043

Комментарии 5

  • Зарифа Зара

    Зарифа Зара


    What a mess. We live in Nursultan, never when we were not in this city, the doctor makes notes for various specialists, we call the phones to remove them, so they tell us to come, I will write to the Healthcare for this doctor, make statistics for myself.

  • Viktoriya Vladimirovna

    Viktoriya Vladimirovna


    Good afternoon, the 325kb neuropathologist does not appear at his workplace, I have been coming for 4 days and they tell me that she is not there, or the office is closed altogether, today I came at 12 o'clock, in the end, they said wait and just left, closing the office, I sat for 3 they are gone for hours, what a mockery, why not who does not follow how they "work" and so every day they sit in the office drinking tea and at all they do not care.

  • Жанна Гайдаренко

    Жанна Гайдаренко


    I have 2 sons undergoing a medical examination for admission. One is 18 years old and the other is 15 years old. 4500 for going to doctors + 1600 for a blood and urine test = 6100! The narcologist and psychologist have 5000 thousand more! Total 11100 is from one. From the youngest: 2600 + 5000 = 7600! The total amount is 18700 !!! For what? Such money is ripped off healthy people. The eldest son lost the check and they say that the medical examination will not have to be paid again, although every doctor asks for a check before the appointment. What to do? the system? There is no way to ask, the phone is not removed ...

  • Ольга Манаева

    Ольга Манаева


    Dear management of polyclinic number 4. Do you generally read what your visitors write about you and your service? I doubt it! Because if you read, you should already take action! Why do you have an SPP? If in a conversation they cannot answer to the questions that they are asked, they simply throw tubes in one-sided order !!! Are you a sharashka office or a medical facility for people?

  • Pipiru Pi

    Pipiru Pi


    I thought my clinic was bad. But no ... Sent our sharaga here honey commission to pass. The occupational pathologist accepts people from the word in no way. Sits not clear what he is doing in the morning. I sat for 6 hours to get a conclusion !!!!!!

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