Поликлиника №2 в Temirtaw

КазахстанПоликлиника №2



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53/3, Dimitrov Street, 101406, Temirtaw, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7213 44 78 88
Веб-сайт: hippokrat.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0564015, Longitude: 72.9617465

Комментарии 5

  • Инна Inna

    Инна Inna


    We sit in line for the third hour, the line does not move, everyone is tired, both adults and even more so children. Not getting to the pediatrician for an appointment, you have to waste so much time. We are sitting from 14-00, already 17-00, in Cab 107, there are six more sick children ahead. This is some kind of chaos, the whole line before us and after, with its last gasp, is waiting in the wings! How can we regulate in our time such a flow of patients to one doctor ??? What quality of checking sick children can we talk about?

  • Зоя Идирисова

    Зоя Идирисова


    Doctors of a nurse are boorish about what horror the child has a sore throat, an ambulance was called, they said that the mobile brigade should be called, they do not answer in the morning, as they always drink tea, they probably saw it several times and do it so offensively now, I have a child ALLERGIK ambulance could not even nothing to advise them you can understand, they are afraid and said so because I have a child ALLERGIK, but the joke is that we can not get to the Allergologist for 1 year and two months.

  • Зухра Семенко

    Зухра Семенко


    Disgusting! Unable to reach, answering machine: we have not received a valid answer, please try again. What a mockery!

  • Александр Кручинкин

    Александр Кручинкин


    What kind of polyclinic? It is not possible to get through. I called for two days. Busy all the time. I have a positive PCR. I can't leave the house. Doctors do not contact me, do not prescribe any treatment. Although the CT scan is also ready.

  • Nikolay Obukhov

    Nikolay Obukhov


    I came urgently to the ophthalmologist to get the speck out of the eye, the guy in the 101 office said that the ophthalmologist had a professional examination and he would not accept, he advised me to go to the emergency room of the hospital mountains, where the ophthalmologist was not there. I had to go and pay a visit to the eye center, where they did everything quickly and gave recommendations on how to follow the eyes. I don’t understand why I’m paying OSMS if I can’t use it. There are constant queues at the clinic, there is no parking. The attitude is boorish.

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