Poliklinika Astera в Temirtau

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанPoliklinika Astera



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13/1, Blucher Street, 101400, Temirtau, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7213 98 61 84
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0628294, Longitude: 72.9935149

Комментарии 5

  • Ирина Тиханина

    Ирина Тиханина


    Congratulations to the whole team of the Astera Clinic on the upcoming day of the Medical Worker. Thank you for your kind heart, skillful gentle hands, professionalism. Particular thanks to my beloved doctor Omarkan Nurkanovich, he operated on me on November 12, 2018. Thanks to the cook for delicious cereals. With the best wishes to you all our family.

  • Евгения Рыжкова

    Евгения Рыжкова


    A rude, ill-bred woman answers the calls ... Hamit ... Clever ... She didn’t say hello, but in the end she didn’t answer the question and put the phone down .... No ethics and culture ... Already by one call she spoiled the whole impression about the clinic !!!!!!

  • Юлия Шабаева

    Юлия Шабаева


    I want to appeal to the male population not to go to the doctor, but specifically to the urologist, he does not heal, prescribes a bunch of tests that are not cheap at all, they can be taken for free if desired, but there is no treatment. The doctor is straight and says the money will come !!! And before there was a normal clinic, but now it has deteriorated, just throw money into the air

  • Виктория Гиль

    Виктория Гиль


    The clinic employs very good specialists. But there is one HUGE MINUS - the administrator on the phone is an incompetent, rude woman. After a conversation with whom there is no desire at all to come to the clinic. Big request to the director, put the phone on wiretapping and watch how your employees talk to clients!

  • Дмитрий Лисичкин

    Дмитрий Лисичкин


    Medical Center "Aster" is a clinic that provides all types of medical services, ranging from diagnosis to treatment of even the most serious diseases. The effectiveness of the methods used is due to the availability of modern medical equipment and the high professionalism of the clinic staff. The mission of the medical institution "Aster" is not just treatment, but disease prevention and early diagnosis. Everything concerning health is not indifferent to us. It is extremely difficult to definitely be the best, but we are trying. Today we manage a lot and we can even say that in some areas we are leaders. Some diseases are more effectively treated only by us, because we use the most advanced, safe and high-quality medical technologies.

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