Zhemchuzhina Stomed Ural'skaya в Qostanaý

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанZhemchuzhina Stomed Ural'skaya



🕗 время открытия

14, Oral Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 28 01 00
Веб-сайт: medclinic.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2123267, Longitude: 63.5898257

Комментарии 5

  • Irina Kalinina

    Irina Kalinina


    Disgusting clinic. The whole family had been ill with covid (we refer to another clinic). Only the daughter belongs to this polyclinic. The temperature was 39.8 for 3 days. the doctor came, looked, said to pass on covid, left a request. Nobody came for 3 days. I called the registry office myself (where one hamlo works), I called the mobile group for the same employee, I called the district police officer, the entire SES. As a result, she left 7 applications. Deaf. The test was never taken. The child was treated independently. The quarantine is over. We came to the reception and, oh my God, the district police officer offers us to donate blood. Descended to us mortals. But the child is already healthy. We go down to the first floor, I ask for a book of complaints. She doesn't exist either. After all, the clinic is "the best" only on the other hand. THANK YOU DOCTORS FOR THAT THE FORMER CHILDREN WERE TREATED THIS WAY.

  • Эдуард Суровый

    Эдуард Суровый


    Post 1 registrar does not take turns. My number is 319, she has number 319 on. And she takes her. In office 114, you have to sit for at least 2 hours, so that the paramedic gives me a referral to the ENT. I'm shocked. In short, I did not get an appointment at 114. Made an appointment for the next day at 13:50. The time is 14:15 and I still can't get there. A mess in one word. Ok, we will write to write in the region. akimat.

  • Евгений Алагузов

    Евгений Алагузов


    We contact this clinic more than once, our district is 16th, the doctor Tuktubaeva S. G is simply terrible ... The wife made an appointment, accepted with such participation, as if she had done a favor ... Rude, arrogant, dialogue with pressure on consciousness .. ..After the visit, not only the mood, but also the desire to go to the clinic disappeared altogether ... The pressure even dropped ... It excited me, took me out of the lane. She behaved simply not correctly ..... We are unlikely to go to such a doctor ... If possible, we will avoid contacting the district police officer .. There is no desire to use her services ...

  • Ангелина Ляхова

    Ангелина Ляхова


    На звонках в регистратуре работают молодые девушки - хамки ещё те. Кошмар. Персонал вообще не отбирают. Сразу видна разница, когда в платную Жемчужину звонишь и когда в бесплатную поликлинику на Уральской. Просто позор.

  • Mikona Mikona

    Mikona Mikona


    We are waiting for two weeks, they explained that there are patients with caronovirus at home. They said they will come this week and take PCR As a result, a week passed, no one came They called repeatedly, the tubes are dropped, they say wait Negligence, in the end I had to go to the clinic and explain the whole situation, and also received a rude attitude from the reception Like why we came, if we are contact. So what was left to do if the clinic did not react in any way.

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