Почтовое отделение связи #38 i Almaty

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanПочтовое отделение связи #38



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7R67+CPX, Almaty, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 727 385 7151
internet side: post.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2611236, Longitude: 76.8143473

kommentar 5

  • Озвучка Манги

    Озвучка Манги


    It is a pity that everything that should work for the people. It works against the people. No SMS, no answer. The post of other countries works much better. The parcel arrived at the Kaz post office and everything was gone.

  • Сева Фавричников

    Сева Фавричников


    This is generally the worst thing that can be, I can not pick up one parcel, the premises are closed earlier than expected, or even do not open during working hours, in 2gis and Google it writes that it is open, when you come, it is closed, and it would be fine 1.2 times but no, they close early for the third time.

  • Mimi Chan

    Mimi Chan


    do not get through, they throw off constantly.

  • Наталья Ломакина

    Наталья Ломакина


    Don't get through. SMS that the parcel has arrived is not sent. No announcements at all. Sending a parcel is also a problem. They talk rudely, they don't explain anything, pack the parcel yourself, but at the same time that you spend so much scotch ... Bad service.

  • vasya vasya

    vasya vasya


    Compliance with all sanitary restrictions, masked, distance, transfer of envelopes, parcels through a box, regulate visitors. The manager controls the situation with one drawback: the employee in the left window is distracted by the phone not periodically, but almost constantly, which is why the queue in this window moves extremely slowly, in 30 minutes 1-2 people. The second employee is forced to take the load on himself, but even so, they cannot cope with so many visitors. And the problem itself is that the department works until lunchtime, the doors are closed strictly according to the schedule, arguing by video surveillance, it turns out that the one who was behind the queue, but did not have time to go to the checkout, must come another time.

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